This is a collage I made awhile back of my works I have done throughout my career. Yes not all of these projects have been made with FOSS programs, most of these were made with the Adobe Suite before I switched to Affinity and FOSS programs.
I have been wanting to mess with Inkscape for awhile so putting together this site is a perfect way for me to make sure I practice, setting aside some time, I decided to just put together some shapes, some text, and some color to get some basic design practice in. For the most part looks like Inkscape can do what I need it to.
I'm not a painter and I'm not much of an illustrator, hell my only real drawing experience aside from childhood came from the design core classes I had to take as a part of my program for Graphic Design. I loved those courses and I loved drawing, it is a skill I really want to develop more, hence why I am practicing here.
Gimp is supposed to be like PhotoShop. But with a name like GIMP it feels a little funny to download eh? But it's actually an acronym GNU Image Manipulation Program. Free and open source, just the way I like it. I was never really a fan of Photoshop although I have used it professionally and in education. GIMP wasn't so bad to use. And I am sure it can do a lot.
WOAH meta huh? Yeah this website was made using the free and open source code editor Visual Studio Code. It's been a blast learning web development and design as I sharpen my skills and create fun projects like this. As I add more and more to my respective portfolios I hope to look back and admore how far I have come in a relatively short period of time.
Code screenshot from this site. I love using this split view while creating websites, it really helps me keep tabs and edit both the HTML and CSS at the same time. This is also a good time to mention that this is really one of the first times I've used Firefox and it's development environment. My original beer review website.
This Website serves as nothing more than practice for web design and graphic design. Built using VS Code this site is another FOSS example in and of itself. It may or may not get further updates. I leave you with this. Go out and make something today, no matter how simple, or small. Create.